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Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹

My last stop during my first trip through Europe! As I was searching for flights to go back home from Madrid, one of the cheapest options was to do a 22 hour layover in Lisbon. Seemed like a no brainer since it meant adding one more visited country to my count.

If Madrid made me feel reminiscent of California, Lisbon was even more so. It felt like I was already in San Francisco just instead of the Pacific Ocean, it was the Atlantic. The infamous coastal weather included!

By the time I was here, I felt content and ready to come back home after 5 weeks abroad. It was a spectacular trip that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Can’t wait to come back to do it all again sometime in the future!

November 21, 2022

Photo of Chandler ForrestChandler Forrest
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